Antipoaching Aircraft: CRITICAL NEED! We have had nine aircraft in operation in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia and Mozambique that have saved untold numbers of wildlife from the guns of poachers. Antipoaching Project Endorsements Computer Systems: Provided more than twenty computer systems to aid in collection of poaching data thus enabling game scouts to predict and interdict poachers. Equipment
for Game Scouts: Wilderness Conservancy furnishes equipment directly to game
scouts that permits them to accomplish their mission more efficiently. Such equipment
includes boots, socks, uniforms, backpacks, flashlights, mosquito netting, radios,
global positioning systems, computers and much, much more. Humanitarian and Environmental Air Operation in Baja California: Helping indigent people in Baja California with medical supplies/equipment and school supplies, and providing antipoaching patrol to reduce the killing of endangered sea turtles and the poaching of their eggs, and to eliminate illegal fishing and long line fishing that kills virtually all marine life in its wake. Relocation of Wildlife - From Elephants to Cheetahs: When elephants were slated to be culled (killed) in Kruger National Park, Wilderness Conservancy purchased an entire family and relocated them to Shamwari Game Reserve, well out of harms way. Since then four calves have been born. Equipment for Animal Studies: Provides radio telemetry (tracking) equipment to Shamwari Game Reserve that permits study of small predators (jackal, caracal cats, etc.) essential to a balance of wildlife. Support Equipment for Antipoaching Aircraft: Provides equipment such as hand held radios, hand held GPS units, radio repeater stations etc., that enable ground units to work more efficiently with the antipoaching aircraft. Supplies for Primate (Gibbon) Rehabilitation: Provides veterinary supplies, caging equipment, etc., to the Gibbon Rehabilitation Project on Phuket Island in Thailand where endangered Gibbons are taken for rehabilitation and release back into the wild.
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